Ohio and Missouri: Healing is on the horizon.
Book/Podcast Recommendations
Therapy is great. Support groups are stellar. Sometimes getting extra support during "non-office" hours can be just what you need in the moment.
The following are books or podcasts that may be beneficial for your own mental health journey. Please note some materials may be emotionally-triggering and/or overwhelming depending on your current state of mind. Take breaks when reading and be sure to call 988 or your therapist if you begin to experience thoughts of hurting yourself or others while reading.
After the Affair-Janis A. Spring
The Love Prescription-John Gottman PhD
Eight Dates-John Gottman, Julie Schwartz Gottman
Advice on Dying and Living a Better Life-His Holiness the Dalai Lama
A Matter of Death and Life-Irvin D. Yalom, Marilyn Yalom
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog-Bruce Duncan Perry, Maia
The Gaslight Effect-Dr. Robin Stern
No Bad Parts-Richard Schwartz
It's OK That You're Not OK-Megan Devine LPC
The Myth of Normal-Gabor Mate MD, Daniel Mate
Complex PTSD-Pete Walker
Trauma Stewardship-Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky
The Body is Not an Apology-Sonya Renee Taylor
White Tears/Brown Scars-Ruby Hamad
Waking the Tiger-Peter A. Levine, Ann Frederick
Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters-Karen C.L. Anderson
The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant-Jean M. Twenge PhD
No Drama Discipline-Daniel J. Siegel
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents-Lindsay C. Gibson PhD.
How to Talk To Strangers- Amanda M Myers
10% Happier-Dan Harris
Atomic Habits-James Clear
Building a Life Worth Living-Marsha M. Linehan
The Book of Boundaries-Melissa Urban
Counselor Toolbox
Said In Therapy
Therapist Uncensored
Very Bad Therapy