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Sunflower Therapy Services

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

Therapy. It’s a word that is mentioned throughout books, movies, songs, and social media posts. Therapy. Therapy. Th-er-apy.

But sometimes it seems like therapy is a word that has a negative meaning in our everyday lives. “Why do you need to be in therapy?” “I’m your friend and your therapist.” “I think you just need more vitamin A, B, C, D….” “So you’re going to pay someone to listen to your problems?” “People only go to therapy after something bad happens.”

The fact is therapy is more than just sitting in a small office on a couch for 50 minutes talking about your life. Therapy is exploring parts of you that you have not shared with the world yet. It’s learning coping skills. Therapy is having a safe place to express your thoughts. Therapy is music, art, dance, talking, silence. Therapy is talking about trauma or Taylor Swift’s new album, your family trip to Cleveland or Columbus, or what happened over the weekend. Therapy is about learning new habits and releasing habits that no longer serve you. Therapy is working with a professional who went to school for years to better learn how to help you live your life in the best and healthiest way possible.

Therapy is not right for everyone and sometimes it just isn’t the right time to be in therapy for you and that’s okay. Every therapist is not right for every client and every client is not right for every therapist and that’s okay. This is where it becomes important to do research, set appropriate boundaries, and ask the hard questions.

If you are looking for a therapist, there are quite a few resources you can check out (otherwise known as directories.)

If you are struggling or feel like you could use more support, know there is hope and help out there. Therapy may not solve every problem in your life, but it may help you feel more equipped to combat the problem.

A green field with a narrow road and the sun shining down brightly.

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